Tuesday, January 27, 2015


        Image 2  ~ 1 Stop over
Image 1 ~ Good exposure

IMAGE 1 is the exposure that is correct. I choose image 2 , which had 1 full stop difference, as the other image i liked best because of the range of tonality in both the shadows and the highlights. I find it is even better than image 1. It did spike in the highlights in all 4 images. I find that Image 2 has the most dynamic range of all images.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Lens Test - Finding the sweet spot

Test Images for 24-70 mm f 2.8 L. ISO on all images is 50.

Image 1:  f 5.6 @ 1/25 sec ISO 50.  Focal Lenght 63mm

Image 2: f22 @ 1/0.3 sec ISO 50. Focal Lenght 63mm

Observation for lens 24-70: I found that the sweet spot on this lens was at f 5.6. it is sharp troughout the image (image 1). as for the image 2, it was in my opinion the worst it looks like out of all the test image it was most blurry in the corner. However, there is a lot of camera shake and it would be hard to really validate that statement. I believe that the test would need to be redone.

Test Images for 70-200 mm f 2.8 L II. ISO on all images is 50.

Image 1: F 2.8 @ 1/100 sec ISO 50. Focal Lenght 200 mm

Image 1: F 11 @ 1/6 sec ISO 50. Focal Lenght 200 mm

Observation for the 70-200 MM Lens: The first thing i noticed on these two images if that the right side (when looking at it) is not sharp for all images. It seems that the camera might have had a slight shift and caused this reading. Now personally, the 2.8 was the worst as if lost sharpness between 1:1 and 4.3. The F11 was the best as it seems to have retained the focus almost to the edge. I would have to redo the test and make sure the camera was not turned and that it faced straight ahead.